In this transformative episode, Ardenia embarks on a deeply personal journey, sharing her decision to take a sabbatical and embrace her "Soft Life Summer." This episode is a call to mothers everywhere to prioritize self-care, reject the glorification of busyness, and dismantle the toxic relationship with overwork. Ardenia explores the concept of the soft life not as a luxury but as a fundamental necessity for well-being, highlighting the importance of creating space for leisure, rest, and activities that fulfill the soul. Through her story, she encourages mothers to break free from societal expectations, to learn to say no, and to invest in their happiness and health without guilt. This episode is not just a narrative of personal transformation but an invitation to all mothers to redefine success, embrace ease and joy, and truly take care of themselves in a world that often asks too much.

What Is The Soft Life?

Episode Blog

Embracing the Soft Life as a Mom:

Prioritizing Ease, Rest, and Self-Care

Motherhood doesn’t have to mean constant overwork and burnout. Here’s why every mom deserves to embrace a “soft life” and practical ways to reclaim rest and ease.

What Does the Soft Life Mean?
The phrase “soft life” often conjures images of luxury vacations and expensive bags, but for moms, it’s about much more. Embracing a soft life means prioritizing self-care, creating space to simply be, and finding moments of ease amidst the demands of daily life. It’s waking up without a rigid agenda and allowing yourself the freedom to rest without guilt.

Breaking Free from Overwork Culture
Many of us were raised to believe that working hard, often to the point of exhaustion, was the key to success. As moms, we’ve internalized messages that push us to overwork, care for everyone but ourselves, and measure our worth through productivity. The pandemic highlighted just how unsustainable this is, forcing many to confront their toxic relationship with work and overcommitment.

Practical Steps to Reclaim Your Time

  1. Delegate and Outsource: Even if you can’t afford a team, start small. Hire a housekeeper for a couple of hours or find someone to help with tutoring or meal prep. These small steps can give you precious hours back.

  2. Set Technology Boundaries: Constantly being tethered to devices is exhausting. Unplug, put your phone in another room, and create moments of true disconnection.

  3. Say No Without Guilt: High-achieving moms often struggle to step away from responsibilities. Remember, you don’t have to be everything to everyone all the time.

Rest is Your Right
Rest shouldn’t be earned; it’s a fundamental need. Generational conditioning and societal pressures can make rest feel like a luxury we don’t deserve, especially for women and women of color. But rest is as important as work. Take time for yourself unapologetically.

Embracing Leisure and Joy
Find joy in simple activities—gardening, art, yoga, or simply taking a walk. Your soft life might include hobbies you once loved but left behind due to life’s demands. This isn’t about productivity; it’s about reconnecting with yourself and what makes you happy.

Creating Systems for Long-Term Change
Implement a support system that allows you to step away from responsibilities when needed. Whether that’s taking a sabbatical, reducing work hours, or finding a routine that prioritizes rest, long-term changes can help you lead a more balanced life.

Motherhood doesn’t have to be synonymous with constant sacrifice. Embrace your soft life, Mama, and reclaim the rest, joy, and peace you deserve.